How It's made
Step One: Apples
We grow over 15 varieties of some of the most delicious apples in the Hudson Valley on 250 acres of fertile orchards. Profound care and respect is given to the trees, soil, polinators and workers who tend our orchards. Step Two: Apple Cider All year round we press small batches of apple cider from a blend of several varieties of apples, Some varieties provide sweetness, while others provide acidity and tannins. Step Three: Hard Cider In larges stainless steel tanks, yeast converts the fructose sugars in apple cider to ethanol and CO2 resulting in hard cider. This alcoholic fermentation takes about 2 weeks and yields around 5% alcohol by volume. Step Four: Apple Cider Vinegar In a special tank call an acetator, bacterial converts the ethanol in the hard cider to acetic acid resulting in apple cider vinegar. Step Five: Balsamic Apple Vinegar Our balsamic apple vinegar is a blend of apple cider vinegar and sweet cider that has been boiled down to a thick glaze. Step Six: Double Balsamic Apple Vinegar Our double balsamic is reduced further and aged in a series of small oak barrels. |
HoursOpen 7 Days a Week, 12-5pm
Addresslocated at Harvest Spirits Distillery
3074 US Route 9, Valatie, NY 12184 |